
The Succession (script, drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 4 pages, 2014)

I made this comics during one lovely week in Ústí nad Labem, where I participated in the 4th edition of TOP, an international series of workshops and lectures. It was held at the Faculty of Arts and Design (University of J. E. Purkyně) in Armaturka. The Comixiade workshop was lead by Paul de Vreede & Siebe de Boer and our theme turned out to be SILENT COMICS – SPORT! I came up with an abstract story about a peculiar tribe who find themselves in a need of a new leader after the old one dies. And so the race begins…

The last decade has been one of the most exciting in comics culture. Visual cultures from across the globe have found their way in the thoughts and vocabularies of a new generation of comic artists that are redefining the art form and are taking the language of comics to a new level.

In our workshop, we aim to stress this formal aspect by omitting all written text and creating wordless comics, making them more accessible to an international audience. The central theme of the comics themselves will be the international, universal (but also very individual) and formalized pillar of human achievement: sports!