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The most precious gift

Nejcennější dar  (scénář a kresba: Štěpánka Jislová, 4 strany, 2014) KOUPIT KNÍŽKU Komiks Nejcennější dar se objevil pár let zpátky v 6. dílu antologie pro začínající komiksové autory Vějíř české mangy. Tento zavedený sborník pod nakladatelstvím Kobuta …

Just a little closer

hunt hunt hunt


On of the two images I did for the Obnaženi festival in Chomutov in summer 2014. The theme was Timelessness, in my mind, home is a changeless place, where you can always feel safe and shelter yourself …


Beautiful darkness


To school!

Preview of series of illustrations I did for Techsophia, company that focuses on mapping the abilities of pre-school children. The app is available here.

ComAp (Covers)

Illustrations for the cover of the ComAp company magazine.

We’ve built this wall (we’ve let it fall)

Office meeting

In a world when we need to make everything interesting I decided to make the most engaging thing boring as hell. Exorcism as a white collar job, the IT guy is a dick and the demons …

The Tree

Burn It Down

Nikola Tesla

Ilustrations for an article about Nikola Tesla, his life and his inventions at Zrnění magazine.

You shouldn’t be here

Perfect match

Perfect match (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 5 pages, 2013) As visually flawed as this piece may be, I can say with absolute certainty that, considering everything I have ever drawn, I like this comics the …

Cesta na Velkou Moravu

The Guarding Dog

A school assignment to illustrate a given animal prayer.

Two for One

The House (Illustrations)

Illustrations for a book by Daniel Wágner The House.

Energie of love-making

Illustrations for an article about sex at Zrnění magazine.

Character design

How caterpillar wanted to eat lettuce

We were illustrating stories written by little children as a part of school assignement and I must admit, they were all pretty amazing. Mine went like this: Once there was a mean caterpillar that wanted …

Little heroes


Exes and Ohs


Cravings (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 2 pages, 2012) A bit of an insight into my angsty teenage years, when everything felt five times stronger and ten times more unfair. The point of this comics …


year: 2012, technique: pencil, water-colors Illustration for all those times when things are about to change and the new order is just at the reach of your hand. All you need to do is to lean in, the …

The first signals

The first signals (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 1 page, 2012) This comics was originally made for a competition for the Center of visual history Malach. In the archive, Jan Orlík described how the first signs …

Sweet Dreams


Cosmonaut (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 1 page, 2011) This feel like a century old work, done before I even went to Uni. I remember that it didn’t occur to me until I finished the …