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Heartcore, 240 pages,  published by Paseka publishing in September 2023 What creates a romantic attachment? Is it just genetics, do our parents play a part or is it simply a magical uncontrollable process? What if every …

Book Cover (unused)

Supro: Heroes on Credit

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas

Výroční zpráva pro Cestu domů

Pygmalion (G. B. Shaw)

Pygmalion (G. B. Shaw), nakladatelství Leda Profesor se vsadí s přítelem, že naučí mladou květinářku vybrané mluvě a chování, takže ji za pár měsíců nikdo nerozezná od rozené vévodkyně.

Book Cover (unused)


Přeřekadla, nakladatelství Meander Tradiční rčení a přísloví podané dětem zábavným a interaktivním způsobem. Aby na ně příště už nekoukaly jak tele na nový vrata!

Batman and Catwoman (Blank cover)

Europe 2050

The Muse of the 9th Art

Detective books covers


In the Gutter

Two (illustration for KOMA festival)

Atopická výprava

Dead Souls (Nikolai V. Gogol)

Mrtvé duše (Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogol), nakladatelství Leda  


Birds of Prague

Birds of Prague is a book that can make your experience of the Czech capital very different. Written by an author with a moving lifestory, Wahl, after years in resistance, was shot in 1950 in …

Půlliterka (pro rumunský časopis POC#1)


Illustrations for Centrum Bavaria Bohemia (CeBB)


Dopisy z Ruska (nerealizováno)

Invisible shade (Guide to Female Autism)

Girl Gang

PF 2022

Broumov Architecture

Hunt for Macbeth


Illustration of the displacement of the German population after IIWW for the publishing house 65. pole

The Tooth Fairy Tree

Commission for a dentist office

Here and Now

One page comics for an exhibition of Czech comics artists with a goal to explore how the world looks right here, right now.

National Park Krkonoše

Poster for madebythe to raise money and awareness of nature protection: https://madebythe.sk/collections/plagaty/products/038-krkonose-stepanka-jislova


These illustrations were made for 3Demons and their Kickstarter campaing to promote 3D printed creatures:  

How we met before we met

T-shirt prints for Aviation Club

A series of illustrations for various merchandise of the Aviation Club.

Quarantine comics

The Architect

Inside a home

Ada Lovelace

The Forest




comics covers


Milada Horakova (comics biography book)

funny girls

(e)READING – temporary tattoos

jewish history

I am so over 2019

flower run I.-III.

Benátský karneval

Dragon Warrior

Bird Garden

Lost in Connection II

wedding invite vol. II

The Garden of Choice

flower girls

wedding invite

Fighteress (5/5)

Mad Max Series: Movie Marathon Poster

Poster for Mad Max Marathon for the Aero cinema in Prague.

Witch 2.0



Lost in Connection

Game for Two

3x Detective Kalle (Cover + Flyleaf)


3x Detective Kalle (Illustrations)

Portrait for KB

Tools of Trade

Back into my arms

Prague Monuments Postcards (5 pieces)

Series of postcards made for Meander Publishing to celebrate the many many monuments of the city of Prague.

A very weary garden

PF 2019 (Filio)

New Year’s card for Filio, who gave me complete freedom to draw as I like, as long as I include vila Sandi.



Pro web zabývající se spojením domácího pěstování bylinek a akvaristiky Farma v pokoji dělám (a ještě nějakou dobu dělat budu) infografické popisy toho, jak akvaponie funguje. Sérii doprovází skupinka komiksových postaviček, které v akvárku žijí …

Goat the Gardener

Daniel in Lion’s Den (edition Manamana)

Daniel in Lion’s Den, published by Meander Publishing, is a part of the Manamana series, which aims to present bible stories in a kid-friendly way to children and their parents.

Back to Kitchen


Date with an Ex

Sharp Objects


The visual theme for postapocalyptic festival Summer Nuclear Art Jam.

The Big Mermaid

The Amazing Adventures of Josef Tulka

Kill the Swans (Deconstruction of Myth)

Swans are Evil (Deconstruction of Myth)

Glass Children

Glass Children (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 4 pages, 2018)

Gavina the Witch (The Wyrd)

Wyrd is the story of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, or rather the story behind Shakespeare’s Macbeth, told from the perspective of the three wyrd sisters who make that story happen. Gavina is a mankilling, flesheating teenage girl, …

Wynda the Witch (The Wyrd)

Wyrd is the story of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, or rather the story behind Shakespeare’s Macbeth, told from the perspective of the three wyrd sisters who make that story happen.  Wynda is a time-walking reality-hacker, a clever …

Morag the Witch (The Wyrd)

Wyrd is the story of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, or rather the story behind Shakespeare’s Macbeth, told from the perspective of the three wyrd sisters who make that story happen. Morag is a thousand-year-old hedge witch, cunning …

How to deal with a break-up (in a healthy way)

How to deal with a break-up (in a healthy way) (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 6 pages, 2018)

Attachement styles

Attachement styles (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 5 pages, 2017) This homage to art nouveau and old fairy-tales was created at Laydeez do Comics symposium under the theme Princesses: Happily Ever After. Balancing on the edge …

Hasiči radí

Výběr z ilustrací pro dětskou příručku správného jednání v krizových situacích

Vykoumej komiks

cell division



Not Yet (series)

How to Save the World

How to Save the World (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 8 pages, 2017) This story was originally made for the Re-Animate Europe competition, organized by the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung Foundation with cooperation with the Comics Strip Center in Brussels. The …

character development

moving on

my girl

The Test

(script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 2 pages, 2017)

spring cleanse

nowhere else to go


Deathbed for a Knight / Gateway for a Queen

Cement and Rebar

Cement and Rebar (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 8 pages, 2016) One of my projects from the loveliest residency in Chapman University, California. Based on the theme Home and Identity, it was created thanks to the EU …

We are the Land

A tribute to Standing Rock and all the The Dakota Access Pipeline protesters, based on the fact that nature doesn’t need us and once we’re gone, it’ll just use us to go on.


eat your veggies


Treasure Island

Illustration for the all time children classic book Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Hoarder’s heart

One of my favorite pieces so far. Even though it’s pretty self-explanatory and the heart hopefully clearly visible, the original idea was to put together an image of someone who is hoarding things and people …


One house, two versions of it. The order of before/after is unknown.

Last Secrets (Cover Art)

BUY THE BOOK Illustration for the cover of the book Last Secrets. Time travelling! Children detectives! Haggis!

We are running

We are running (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 4 pages, 2016) This is one of my favorite Uni projects, a submission to an anthology with a uniting theme of NIGHTMARES. By coincidence I have finished …

The Royal Scissors

No matter how romantically dramatic it might feel at that time, in love triangles somebody is bound to get hurt, as simple as it is. This image was later on used as a motive for …

Little book of dreams

Little book of dreams (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 4 pages, 2016) BUY DIRTY DIAMONDS or BUY XEROX This comics was originally made for the all-female anthology Dirty Diamonds and it got featured in its 7th …

1938: How Beneš yielded to Hitler

1938: Jak Beneš ustoupil Hitlerovi, edice Češi (scénář Pavel Kosatík, kresba: Štěpánka Jislová, 80 stran, 2016) KOUPIT KNÍŽKU Předposlední díl série Češi podle seriálu ČT České století s názvem 1938: Jak Beneš ustupil Hitlerovi vyšel …

Period Monthly

Period Monthly (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 3 pages, 2016) This three page long parody magazine called Period monthly was created at Gender: Redefined symposium, an event organized by the Czech branch of Laydeez Do Comics. It has one …

The Horrors of Krusne Mountains

Illustrations for a TV series about the legends in Krusne mountains.

How Beneš yielded to Hitler

Cover art for the graphic novel How Beneš yielded to Hitler, hopefully capturing the conflict between the violent and the diplomatic ways of handling the situation.

Last Secrets (Illustrations)

BUY THE BOOK Illustrations for the book Last Secrets. Time travelling! Children detectives! Haggis!


All dead things

All Dead Things (script, drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 2 pages, 2015) BUY One of the last projects of the legendary Komiksfest  was presenting the Generation 2.0, a group of young Czech and Slovak comics artists.  Part of the …

Starring role

Drawing melancholic hipsters is almost soothing for some reasons.


Why bother with photo-shopping selfies when you can just re-design yourself from the scratch!

Underneath it all

Inspired by Marina and the Diamonds!

Holy Heart Abbey

Holy Heart Abbey (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 80 pages, 2015) HHA is my bachelor project, that turned out to be way more challenging than I imagined. The idea for a monk order living in …


Untitled (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 2 pages, 2015) This two-page long anecdote that is still missing a title, came to be when I was still at high school and at said time I thought …

Jock of Hearts

BLUE SEASON (2016) Blue Season is a series about the various means of communication that doesn’t happen face to face. I went through my Facebook messages and pick the most interesting parts, then proceeded to …

Queen of Hearts

BLUE SEASON (2016) Blue Season is a series about the various means of communication that doesn’t happen face to face. I went through my Facebook messages and pick the most interesting parts, then proceeded to …

The Unsavvy Means of Good Intentions

BLUE SEASON (2016) Blue Season is a series about the various means of communication that doesn’t happen face to face. I went through my Facebook messages and pick the most interesting parts, then proceeded to …

The Warmth Of Perfection

BLUE SEASON (2016) Blue Season is a series about the various means of communication that doesn’t happen face to face. I went through my Facebook messages and pick the most interesting parts, then proceeded to …

The Approximate Direction Of Intimacy

MODRÁ SEZÓNA (2016) Cyklus Modrá sezóna je série dvaceti ilustrací doplněných o autentický úryvek z internetové komunikace. Texty jsou neupravené a v takové podobě, jaké je lidé napsali, včetně internetového slangu a překlepů. Cyklus slouží …

Off to Pay His Crimes

BLUE SEASON (2016) Blue Season is a series about the various means of communication that doesn’t happen face to face. I went through my Facebook messages and pick the most interesting parts, then proceeded to …

The Well Deserved Emptiness

BLUE SEASON (2016) Blue Season is a series about the various means of communication that doesn’t happen face to face. I went through my Facebook messages and pick the most interesting parts, then proceeded to …

The Arguable Safety of Motion

BLUE SEASON (2016) Blue Season is a series about the various means of communication that doesn’t happen face to face. I went through my Facebook messages and pick the most interesting parts, then proceeded to …

New future – old guilt

Project Phoenix

I Am a Ruin

Inspired by Marina and the Diamonds!

Infinite loop


Caution! Border crossing

Caution! Border crossing (script and drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 5 pages, 2015) Human trafficking carries quite a different connotation in the countries of Eastern bloc, especially when it comes to human smugglers. The symposium Superheroes of …



Our mercy

Tree house


The Succession (script, drawings: Štěpánka Jislová, 4 pages, 2014) I made this comics during one lovely week in Ústí nad Labem, where I participated in the 4th edition of TOP, an international series of workshops …

How I tried to kill myself